Monday 21 November 2011

Nail Polish: Faceshop, Canopus, OPI, Essie

 Faceshop BL604 + Canopus Geneva26
(which is some milky looking polish with small red-green flakies, bought at some random shop) + Faceshop topcoat.

The flakies are not very obvious, but I kinda like it..

(2nd last finger's colour is lighter cos its on ChG's Bermuda Breakaway instead.)

OPI Suzi Says Feng Shui + Faceshop 503 using Konad m64 + Essie Matte About You.

Its a bit smudged here and there (not really noticeable >5 cm away, heh.)

OPI Absolutely Alice

Densely packed blue + sprinkles of gold glitter. This is about 3 coats. Application was very smooth too. Love it for a pedicure!

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