Monday 21 November 2011

Blush Review: EDM, POP Beauty Blush Cake, Loreal, Chanel

I sleep super late almost every night, so my complexion colour is usually uhh zombish and gross. Haha. And blushers are just so pretty anyway! =)
blushall.jpg picture by ppurplish

POP Beauty Blush Cake: Pretty in Pink
Loreal: Coral
blush.jpg image by amytran14

I really like both! =)
Pretty in Pink, as its name suggests, has pinky and fresh feel to it. And you can choose to either use a few shades of the pink from the palette, or just swirl your brush around for a mix of everything :D
Loreal's Coral: I love the warm sunkissed colour! The only downside, is that the brush is really coarse.. Like scratchy actually :s And I just can't handle loose powders, cos I end up staining my top if I'm not careful.. -_- Oh did I mention the pretty shimmery glitter? =)
(pop beauty blush: 4.5/5
loreal's coral 3.5/5)
p.s i'm giving loreal a 3.5 only cos i can't handle loose powders well! Not because it's bad.

Chanel Irreelle Blush: Tea Rose
chanel.jpg picture by ppurplish
Its a really really sheer blush..  But I swear, its there! Compare it to the other side of my naked hand :) I had to layer is like a dozen times just to get the colour to show.. Methinks its a bit too pressed. Its long lasting, and the colour looks very natural and pretty! I use this one pretty much too. Oh yeah, nt a big problem, but the brush is very shitty. Not as coarse as Loreal's, but still shitty. I don't use it.

And lastly, my Everyday Minerals hauls!
Edm Pressed: All Smiles
Edm Pressed: Apples
Tthe downsides of these mega cute colours is that its really really pigmented, so just evenwith just a gentle swipe, the brush picks up quite a lot of powder. CHINADOLL FACE ALERT! So be careful! Be EXTRA EXTRA gentle! Other than that, love them! Apples makes me look like I have apple cheeks =) Yummy! And all smiles is a warm-coral like friendly colour. I can't comment on the wear, since I've yet to use them for  a day out.
(rate: 2.5/5)
because i really hate it being overly pigmented :/

Ohhh yes. If you're looking for brushes, GET EVERYDAY MINERALS BRUSHES! They're so super soft, you wouldn't wanna get them off your face. I'm serious! I like them better than my MAC ones! And they buff really well. Not to mention, THEY'RE REALLY CHEAP. About 15 sgd for one.. And you'll never need another =)
Let me show you one of my fav brushes! Its a EDM baby flat top kabuki :D Super small, so its perfect for travelling.
flattop.jpg picture by ppurplish

(rate: 5/5!!)

(P.s the photos are watermarked with another blog url cos i used to post reviews in my personal blog, but now i'm shifting out!)

1 comment:

  1. レイバン アビエイターと言えば、メタルフレームのイメージが強いでしょう。何もしなくてもヤンキーと言われる私には、ゴツめのRay Ban使えないので、断念しちゃった。レイバン ウェイファーラーのほうが少しでも爽やかな雰囲気を作ってくれるといいなと思った。
