Tuesday 22 November 2011

Skin care: Amethystory Mineral Aqua Gel

I got this little sample of Amethystory's Mineral Aqua Gel from Hollyhoque (came with my purchase!) and this product claims to have amethyst based ingredients inside (hence the name Amethystory). It's an exfoliant gel which is supposed to remove dead/dry skin and hydrate it at the same time. So you just rub it onto your face (dry) and all the gunk supposedly comes out.


Little beads which are supposed to be the gel + your dead skin form when you rub your face.

Ok here's my take on it:

It's good for those with sensitive skin i.e can't use the normal exfoliating beads. But when you wash off the product from your face, there's this waxy layer which is really hard to get off.. So you can't use this alone, you have to use a facial wash to get it off completely. :/ And it's quite watery so its hard to control the amount of product you want to use. (i was having a hard time balancing that drop on my finger!)

Rate: 2/5

Does it's job (i think), but i hate the waxy layer which stays on. I'm currently using a similar product (from the same company: Ginvera Marvel Gel) which works way better.. :)

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